About Us
Nicholson Partners was established in 1992. The Practice has developed a niche in small to medium sized business with its ability to develop skills in areas including Business Development, Management Consulting and Tax Planning.
We work closely with our clients in assisting them with Budgeting and Cashflow projections and ongoing monitoring of business performance.
We deal with all aspects of a clients needs in the areas of accounting, bookkeeping, taxation, business advisory, superannuation and estate planning. Our team are committed to ensure that all your financial goals are met.

Anthony Moretta
Anthony has been a qualified accountant since 1982. After completing 18 months working as a cost accountant in a manufacturing company, Anthony joined a mid size public accounting practice where he gained experience working with small to medium sized entities. In 1995, Anthony joined forces with Santo Mancuso who had earlier established Nicholson Partners. Apart from providing traditional accounting and taxation advice, Anthony’s specialty areas include:
- Tax Planning and minimisation
- Management and Business Consulting
- Self Managed Superannuation Funds

Santo Mancuso
Santo has worked in Local Government for 2 years from 1983 to 1984 and completed a Bachelor of Business in Local Government. In 1985, Santo changed career paths to spend 2 years in the Life Insurance Industry. Finally, in 1987 whilst completing his Accounting degree, Santo joined a medium sized public accounting practice where he met Anthony and in 1992 left to commence public practice as Nicholson Partners. Apart from providing traditional accounting and taxation advice, Santo’s specialty areas include:
- Tax Planning and Minimisation
- Business Development
- Self Managed Superannuation Funds
- Non for Profit Organisations